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Digoxin Tablets

PAR Pharmaceutical

$1.70 - $170.00


$1.70 Each

Detailed Description

Description: Cardiac Glycoside
Other Names for this Medication: Lanoxin®, Digitek®, Digox®
Common Dosage Forms: Veterinary: None. Human: 62.5 micrograms, 125 micrograms, 187.5 micrograms, & 250 micrograms tablets; 50 micrograms/mL oral solution.

For animals with congestive heartfailure, digoxin is used to help the heart beat more strongly and move blood through the body better. Digoxin is also used to treat certain types of heartrhythm disturbances as it can make the heart beat slower. Digoxin is used less now than in the past because it can be toxic if too much is in the body. There are now other treatments available for heartfailure. There were veterinary digoxin products in the past, but they are no longer marketed in the US. The FDA has approved drug products for use in humans, but they are not officially approved for use in animals in the US. The FDA allows
veterinarians to prescribe products containing this drug in different species or for other conditions in certain situations. You and your veterinarian can discuss why this drug is the most appropriate choice.

Common but not serious side effects include: Mild gastrointestinal effects (eg, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea). Low energy level. Behavior changes. You don’t have to be overly concerned if you see any of these signs unless they are severe, worsen, or continue to be a problem. Contact your veterinarian if this happens.

If you have any other questions about this medication, contact your veterinarian or pharmacist.

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