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Oculenis BioHAnce Ocular Repair Gel


Starting at $21.99


$21.99 Each

Detailed Description

This product is an alternative to Remend


Oculenis BioHAnce Ocular Repair Gel can be used on dogs and cats for:


Superficial ocular injuries (cuts, abrasions, scratches)

Traumatic ocular wounds (lacerations, punctures)

Foreign objects that have perforated the cornea

Surgical incisions

Corneal ulcer


Caution: Oculenis does not contain antibiotics or other ingredients used to treat infections. Oculenis is meant to be used with standard treatment care. Read full instructions.


CAUTION: Due to the risks associated when treating eye injuries this product is only available by or on the order of a veterinarian. This is the highest concentration of biologically enhanced HA containing ocular formula and is designed to be used on the order of a veterinarian


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